Curry Anadromous Fishermen is a volunteer organization. Membership dues and contributions are the primary sources of revenue required to run the Indian Creek Hatchery. In considering whether or not to become a member ask yourself a couple of questions: Are you a fisherman who has experienced (or is hoping to experience) the thrill of catching these large, uniquely spirited and hard-fighting Rogue River Chinooks?

      Are you interested in seeing Rogue River runs of these remarkable fish remain at current levels or hopefully increase in numbers for the enjoyment of future generations?

      If your answer is "yes" to one or both of these questions, you must consider a membership in Curry Anadromous Fishermen. Annual dues are only $20. A membership carries with it certain benefits and/or opportunities. For example---

      You will receive "The Riffle" a monthly newsletter which normally contains a number of interesting tidbits such as minutes of our meetings, upcoming events at the hatchery, local fishing reports, special projects, etc. If you live in the vicinity of Gold Beach or are vacationing in the area you can---

      Visit the hatchery and either observe or participate in hatchery activities.

      Observe or participate in miscellaneous other activities that are announced in the "Riffle". These include field trips to release fry in local streams and rivers, netting wild fish from the Rogue for use in hatchery spawning, improving breeding habitat in local streams, catching and relocating adult hatchery salmon for spawning in locations other than Indian Creek, etc.

      Attend meetings which are held on the second Thursday of each month. Every year the Indian Creek Hatchery places over 120,000 salmon in Curry County creeks and rivers. The hatchery is run by volunteers and supported primarily by membership dues. So if you feel (as we do) that our efforts are both valuable and indeed necessary in preserving and enhancing the runs of these extraordinary fall Chinook.

Please Join us.

To become a member:

To pay by Mail:
Please print and complete the membership form,
then mail us the form and membership fee.Curry Anadromous Fishermen is a volunteer organization. Membership dues and contributions are the primary sources of revenue required to run the Indian Creek Hatchery. In considering whether or not to become a member ask yourself a couple of questions: Are you a fisherman who has experienced (or is hoping to experience) the thrill of catching these large, uniquely spirited and hard-fighting Rogue River Chinooks?